A review by letsgolesbians
Gena/Finn by Kat Helgeson, Hannah Moskowitz


This is one of those books I think I'd review differently if I were in a different mood. Gena and Finn are in the same fandom, and become friends because of their shared interest in a character on a TV show. The beginning is really fun, with lots of fangirl flailing, talking about fellow people in the fandom, figuring out situations for cons, writing fics, etc. The book is epistolary, with emails, letters, fic pages, journals, etc.

It made me really giddy, because Moskowitz and Helgeson do a great job of capturing the different feelings and situations within fan communities. The things the characters say about shows and relationships and the tv characters sound exactly like conversations I used to have with people about Pretty Little Liars. I've kind of slipped out of the fandom world lately (and by "slipped," I mean I was an earthquake and broke a lot of things. I have fragile fault lines and when they get pushed, I overreact and explode....which may make me a volcano instead of an earthquake, whatever), but this book brought me back to that happy and fun feeling. I still do it a little, with Amerikate, but not on the level I used to.

The book takes a drastic turn, and I'm still trying to figure out how I felt about it. The tone becomes a lot more serious, and there's a lot of stuff about mental health and grief and stuff, but I don't know. I don't think it was fully explored. Maybe that was on purpose, in case they wanted to do some kind of follow up story online, or a full sequel book? I'd like to know more about where these characters are going.