A review by sllingky
The Camelot Caper by Elizabeth Peters


I'm a HUGE fan of the Amelia Peabody series, so I picked this one up hoping to dive into the Vicky Bliss series with as much excitement. Meh. As a story goes from a structure perspective, this one is poor. The plot feels like a wild goose chase with no purpose, almost stumbling along just to get fill pages without much of a reason. The characters are annoying at best and seem to try too hard to be smart and witty. That was not my experience with Amelia Peabody. With that in mind, the perspectives expressed in the book felt very dated to me, and I'm okay with that most of the time (because no author can write for future sensibilities and we have to accept that); but in this case, the dated aspects felt smug. I'm going to give the first real Vicky Bliss book (Borrower of the Night) a shot after this read, but I am already planning to go into it very wary of what I will find.