A review by me_haugen
Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter


Read this one during some sort of "7 minutes in Heaven" mishap. I brought this book along to my kissing club which is like a book club except we all get together every month to try out new types of kisses we've learned about. There's nothing sexual about this, in fact most of us really don't even really like each other that much -- I heard the group chat I got kicked out of isn't even that active anymore -- but while we don't like each other, we are all passionate about new different mouth and tongue sensations. Anyway at this session, my frenemy Toby Maguire (yes, that one), was like "I learned a new type of 7 minutes in heaven, Marcus you go in the closet first then I'll explain." But when I went in the closet it must have accidentally locked and I heard Toby go "Oops guess we have to do upside spiderman kisses again! Even though that is an old one we all know and he always wants to do it even though defeats the purpose of the club and I kind of think he just tricked me into the closet because I am the one who is most resistant to his relentlessness. This book was good.