A review by heyjudy
Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction, Vol. 4 by Inio Asano


~3 Stars

We follow Takemoto for the first half of this volume, as she's getting ready to go to Tokyo despite everyone's warnings. Then we're back to Oran, and college and clubs.
The overarching theme in this volume is the rights of aliens. These creatures have invaded Japan, and now people are debating and protesting over whether they should outright attack the aliens or whether they have rights that should be protected. We see both sides here, as we get to meet the aliens who're stranded and have taken shelter on Earth. Both sides of this are a bit disturbing, and then the reality check we're given is quite awful.
I don't know any of the characters in this series, really, so instead I get to follow the politics more. And it's disturbing and hard to take at times, how surreal and yet so very real, it is.

A review copy was provided by the publisher, VIZ Media, for an honest review. Thank you so, so much!