A review by tessaays
No Logo by Naomi Klein


It’s astonishing that this was written TWENTY YEARS ago and remains so prescient and insightful. Naomi Klein’s writing blows me away every time - it’s razor sharp, super-intelligent without getting academic or jargon-y, and she is absolutely masterful at building a thesis - without ever becoming preachy, or even judgemental. I would read anything she wrote. The only reasons I’m subtracting a star from this one are a) the culture jamming chapter added absolutely nothing for me - I’m still not really sure how drawing a skull on a model’s face does anything to tear down global brand hegemony and b) it ran a little long/repetitive in some parts, and I found myself skimming. Overall though, I would recommend this to anyone - it really gave me a fresh anger at the despicable way that big brands have built their fortunes by chasing their production costs to basically zero and investing all that money in marketing and endorsements. I will NEVER look at a Nike ad the same way again.