A review by salmaa21
You & Me at the End of the World by Brianna Bourne


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ / 5

minor spoilers mentioned!!


i know i always say this when i’m talking about a book i enjoyed, but this book was SOOOOO GOOD that i cannot put it into words. yet here i am making a review.

to begin with, this book is indeed dystopian, but in the most beautiful way possible. yes the streets were empty and there were only 2 people in the world, but it felt so magical. from hannah (one of the mc’s), changing the way the sky looks, to controlling reality. all while doing it with leo ♡

i went in with super high hopes, and finished very happy, wanting more!! dystopian literature is one of my favorite genres, this book gave me a reason to like it even more.

i wanted to start with saying how much i admired the authors writing. it was very poetic and the descriptions for everything was perfectly written. hats off to her!!

i think that the way the author made leo and hannah meet and get together was so satisfying. they both helped each other discover themselves, and it was very sweet to watch. i liked reading about hannah’s interests and reading her thoughts too, especially knowing how she really felt about ballet. leo helping her made me very happy! hannah was scared to admit how much she enjoyed writing over ballet. Sharing her writing with leo, even after how her mother completely ignored her, opened up a whole new opportunity for her. leo was very sweet :) as for leo, he found great happiness in playing guitar and music. i absolutely loved it. leo did not want to share his personal music to anyone, except for hannah. hannah made him feel the most comfortable and showed him a side that he never saw of himself. this made me flip every page with an absolute smile. also, words cannot BEGIN to explain all the emotions that went through me when leo turned her writing into music!!!!
them sharing their interests to one another brought me so much joy.

to be completely honest, i loved the vibes of the empty world. leo and hannah in an empty museum, taking their time to watch the paintings and watch the glass roof above their heads. them changing the sky’s form, shape, and color was so beautiful that i read it over and over. hannah making a flower field for her and leo to lay in and watch the sky was just AAAAHHHHH!!!!!! again, speechless.

now don’t get me started on the plot twists. usually i would predict the whole thing over how cliche a book is, but this one had me BAFFLED?!! the way the author ended the book was PERFECT!! i literally ended the book with absolute happiness and satisfaction. i’m aware that i used the word “happy” too many times in this review, but it’s truly the word that described me while reading this book.

i need a second book this instant.