A review by thebookplatypus91
Claiming the Reaper by C.A. Rene


“Welcome to Hell, you’ve been reaped.”

The only way I can describe Selene who is the main female character is half Harley Quinn and half Baby from the Firefly Family (House of a 1000 corpses/The Devil’s Rejects)

The title of the book says it all. Selene is the Reaper and her boys are coming to claim her once and for all. Santos, Zander, Blaze, and Darius.

After Santos finds his long-lost father and a new brother and a new sister, he is still coming to terms with it all.
And main man behind the skin trade that Selene started out hunting book one? They all end it once and for all.
There’s relationships within relationships. We have the fucking most adorable MM going on. The ending. My heart swooned.

Yes to an HEA.

This book has dark elements to it. There’s going to be some bloody kink and hard-core sex.
There absolutely is murder. Lots of it. With glee.
The dark humor had me absolutely laughing out loud throughout the entire series. The way the authors can make something so fucking horrific is absolutely hilarious and that is why this book is a five star book for me.
“If he wants to lick what was left on my soul out of my ass, I’m not going to stop him. It feels fucking good, for starters.”