A review by mjsam
The Inn at Netherfield Green by Aurora Rey


ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is my second book by Rey and it’s a nice sweet love story. This features MC Lauren, recently fired from her marketing job for something she didn’t do and who also happens to have just inherited an inn/bar in England. She jumps on a plane with the intention to flip the inn and use the funds to start her own marketing firm. The other MC is Cam, who runs a nearby family owned gin distillery and is a regular at the inn and doesn’t want it to change. So hometown girl vs city slicker.

Both MCs are interesting, together and apart. They have great chemistry and spend a lot of time together since Cam gets roped into helping Lauren with her plans. There are a lot of side characters (Cam has three sisters who feature, some more heavily than others and each character has a best friend). The BFFs feature the most heavily out of the side characters, and they are both poly, which you don’t see often in lesfic (the fact that they were both poly was a little much but whatever). There is also a LOT of talk about gin, which was interesting to start with, but started to bore me, I did end up skipping some scenes where this was the focus.

This also features the requisite drama at the 75% mark, but it doesn’t drag on and though the resolution was obvious from pretty much the start, I still enjoyed the HEA. I think I’ll be adding Ms Rey’s back catalogue to my TBR pile. 4 stars.