A review by steelcitygator
America The Story of Us: An Illustrated History by Gail Buckland, Kevin Baker


It is decidedly ok. There is basically no detail to it, broad strokes is maybe being to generous with the actual content. There were a handful of area's that it highlighted that, say high school history, overlooks such as the whaling industry or an ever so more focused look at the turn of the century industry.

The things it does not well are more substantive. It is written with an overwhelming pro-America slant, while that is not necessarily unexpected considering what it is tied too it does get tiresome when the author reinforces positive attitudes and actions of America immediatly after discussing something like the Trail of Tears or race riots of the 60's. It feels forced and unearned. Another issue the book has is what it chooses to focus on, there are more words on the Mexican-American War or the War of 1812 than there are on Vietnam. It feels completely inadequate in telling the story of America.

This book, which does have some great choices in illustration and photography, could be good for a late elementary student. Acting as their first look at American history it can offer a starting point to see some of the areas they may be interested in learning about more. It also may work as a true companion to the television series, though I'm personally not sure how much it would offer in addition. Anyone else can probably skip it as their are better overviews that are less biased and more in depth, even when attempting to cover 240 or so odd years.