A review by keneenm
Love In Bloom by Jenny Proctor


I received this book as an ARC from the author and will voluntarily leave a review.

When I first started the book, I was actually into it. I was into the characters and thought the book was leading in a good direction. When the characters were introduced I felt like I could already anticipate the tension. Darcy is such a sunshiny, I would say hyper as well, cute and loving character. Cameron is not a grump (don't immediately believe that it is because of the sunshine); he is just a closed-off and fun-loving kind of guy. These two work together and often engage in childish and cute banters that shine on their relationship. Cameron is the type of guy that everyone likes. He gets along with everyone, except for obviously Darcy who thinks she sees right through all that exterior and is really a douchy, rich, snobby guy and she does not like it. These two are up against each other for a magazine cover that could advance each of their careers in different ways and neither wants to back down. Over time, they start to spend more time together and really get to know each other and start to understand a different side of their characteristics.

This book gave me [b:The Hating Game|25883848|The Hating Game|Sally Thorne|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1467138679l/25883848._SY75_.jpg|45762345] vibes. At least in the beginning that was what I thought of. The competing, the way the book started, the working in close proximity. All that is in comparison, however, that quickly took a turn. I started to fall asleep before I even reached 50% of the book. I was skimming because I thought just maybe it was just those chapters but it only continues for a while. I do not u understand what happened that just made me not enjoy the book anymore. I was putting off reading it a couple of times. I really wanted to like the book, but Cameron and his issue were just dragging in this book. I thought the history lessons that were in great detail would add to the book, but it was just more boring. Sometimes I was frustrated with Darcy as well, with the way she kept making assumptions about Cameron. I honestly did not think it was a bad thing for someone to portray a different look, but Darcy's feelings were only that for Cameron because she could not figure him out. I do not understand hating someone because you cannot identify them.

To wrap this up, the tension was not enough in. this book. My rating is a reflection of how I did not completely dislike the book, there were parts that made me content. Also, some of the pranks and banters were not completely lacking. I did enjoy them. Some were funny. Some were cringe but I did not fault that because sometimes that happens and it is not completely a bad thing. Overall, this book did not resonate with me the way I thought it would.