A review by ktomp17
The Proposal by Piper Scott


Gage and Aaron were deeply in love, but Aaron had all of his schooling to get though. 5 years older than Gage, Aaron felt that he needed to go off and get himself set so he could take care of Gage and they could be a family when he finished. Gage was completely in love with Aaron and was waiting for him, but being a single dad all alone caused many challenges. When Aaron returned, they had a lot to learn about each other and how to move forward in a different world.

I liked the story. I thought it was sweet how Gage and Aaron were so sure of their feelings for each other, and never once doubted that they were in it for the long haul. There were some moments of insecurity on Aaron's part, but I thought they were justified. Some miscommunication occurred, but fortunately it was very short lived and all worked out well. I liked getting to know the guys, and I am looking forward to seeing more of the chat group guys. Very sweet story.

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