A review by serenaac
Raven Stole the Moon by Garth Stein


Garth Stein’s Raven Stole the Moon was originally printed in 1998, but was recently republished by Harper following Stein’s success with The Art of Racing in the Rain. The Tlingit legend — including that of Raven — that becomes Jenna Rosen’s life is absorbing, blurring the lines of reality and folklore. Jenna’s life fell apart upon the death of her son in an accident, and she spirals out of control, seeing psychiatrists and taking addictive pharmacological substances. After emerging from a drug haze, she and her husband Robert go through the motions until Jenna makes a definitive move to change her life.

“The two options were mutually exclusive. There was no middle ground. Maybe I’m a little crazy and there are some spirits. No. It was either/or. And Jenna was determined to find out which.” (Page 199)

Set in the 1990s in Alaska and Washington State where its about “recapturing the glory of the eighties at a discount,” Stein crafts a surreal tale where reality blends with the past, the present, and folklore turning men into beasts and soul robbers and generating three dimensional characters ready to deal with the unknown and irreparable grief.

Read the rest of the review: http://savvyverseandwit.com/2010/06/raven-stole-the-moon-by-garth-stein.html