A review by idahobekah
The Last Word by Taylor Adams


Wow- what a thrilling concept. This is the first time I’ve read a thriller that’s actually really scary for the reader.

This book shines in the way that you don’t know what’s exactly around the corner for our main character- is the killer going to go the predictable route or are things not exactly as they seem? It really makes you question EVERYTHING!

It’s also really interesting to learn more about everyone’s intentions and history. I wasn’t expecting to get too much backstory, but I’m glad it appeared, and that’s where the dual POV format shined.

As much as I enjoyed 2 points of view, the formatting of this book suffered from the point of view shifting so often. POV shifts take away from the overall immersion. I think I would’ve liked this better if the chapters had a short section at the beginning or at the end of each chapter.

Overall, this book was enjoyable. Not perfect, but certainly a page-turner with VERY intense plot twists. While it can be a bit predictable at times, it also does a pretty good job of subverting expectations!

Overall Rating: 3.75⭐️