A review by pagesplotsandpints
She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica


Read Completed 4/10/24 | 3.75 - 4 stars

THE GOOD GIRL (2014) | 4 stars
PRETTY BABY (2015) | 3.5 stars
DON'T YOU CRY (2016) | 3 stars
EVERY LAST LIE (2017) | 3.75 stars
WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT (2018) | 2.5 stars
THE OTHER MRS. (2020) | 3 stars
LOCAL WOMAN MISSING (2021) | 3.75 stars
JUST THE NICEST COUPLE (2023) | 4 stars

Mary Kubica is super hit or miss for me, this was one of the better reads for me. This felt like it flowed fairly well, and although it takes a while to get going, there are some really good things that happen in the second half of the book! I really appreciated the twists and there were definitely things I didn't see coming. 

Aside from the slower pace in the beginning, I think my only complaint really is that things just don't quite wrap up cleanly. I wanted things to be more connected to really pack a bigger punch. There are a couple different story lines happening here and I think if one more of the could have been connected to the main event, it really would have had a lasting impression. Instead, there were all these big and little pieces that didn't really have anything to do with each other half the time. 

I was going to round up and give this four stars, but the more I think about some of the messier parts of it, the more I'm going to stay in the 3 star range at 3.75 stars. This was an enjoyable read and I really like the twisty parts that got me! But some of the plotting was messy and a few things just dropped off in order to make the reader doubt things but didn't have a good explanation. 

I did enjoy my read and I'm happy with the reading experience and I'm going to stop thinking about it before I take away any more stars.