A review by katemc7
Flight by Laura Griffin


I am really enjoying this series yall! Once again not sure why I didnt put together that some spice with suspense would be amazing, but now I know.

This is book 2 in the Texas Murder Files which involves Bailey's (from book 1) sister, Miranda. Miranda has moved down to Long Point Beach after a rough ending to a tough case in San Antonio. She worked as a CSI photographer there but has decided she wants to try nature photography. She is getting settled in and is out on the lake taking some shots when she of course discovers a dead body. Joel Breda who we are just meeting is assigned as the lead detective on the case. He is intrigued by this mystery woman who sends him follow up photos from the crime scene. Where did she come from? What is she doing here? While working the case, they get a little lost in each other and Joel convinces Miranda to join the team as their CSI at least through the summer. Despite what she thinks, she agrees. She misses helping too much and wants to do what she can to contribute.

The farther they dig into what happened to the couple that was found the bigger the case gets. Who all is involved in this cover up? Is it the person trying to add new developments to the town? Is it the leader of the non violent group supporting all things eco friendly? Joel and Miranda are on their way to solving the case when disaster strikes and Miranda gets hurt. That is when Joel realizes his feelings for her. Will she extend her stay past the summer? Is what they have real?

These have been very easy reads that are entertaining with a tad bit of spice. I would LOVE it if there was some more LOL. I am looking forward to reading book 3 which involves Joel's brother Owen who is apparently a party boy moonlighting as a detective. Hope you enjoy!