A review by travelgirlut
Mindstar Rising by Peter F. Hamilton


I love that this book started out with an apology from the author about how dated the technology was since it was written in the '90s. But I didn't think it felt dated at all. Sure, some of the names were a little clunky, like the cybofax, but it was really just a cellphone with another name, and as you know a rose by any other name... I would never have thought to look at the publication date if Hamilton hadn't pointed it out himself.

As for the story itself, I was entertained. Mysteries are not usually my cup of tea, but this one uses unique methods for solving them. It really didn't feel like a mystery. I like the mentally altered soldier thing going on here.

This was good enough that I will read the second one, but probably not right after the first because these types of stories tend to feel repetitive when read back to back.