A review by lorathelibrarian
Now, Discover Your Strengths by Gallup


I enjoyed this book. I read it with my boss and we had a mini book club with it. There were parts that weren't completely relevant for me at my currently position in life (I'm not a manager and I don't work high up in a large organization). However, I think that over time I will find this book to be very helpful if I ever become a manager. It's a tool that I will keep with me. Personally, I've found it more enlightening than my graduate level management course I'm taking.

A large section of the book discusses how each person has 5 inherent talents that are can be transformed into strengths. This was very enlightening and interesting. I was able to discover my talents and now I can work towards making them strengths. If I didn't already know what I wanted to do with my life, these talents would have helped and guided me in the right direction.