A review by jonetta
Hold Me Close by Shannyn Schroeder


Maggie O'Leary returns home from Ireland after having been gone for 18 months. It was her attempt at slaying her demons following her rape five years ago. It happened in an apartment above the family's pub and she hasn't set foot in there since. Now she wants to not only work there but also move into one of the apartments. Her best friend, Shane Callahan, who's also secretly in love with her, vows to do whatever it takes to protect her. And, she's looking to him to conquer her sexual barriers but still be just friends.

I disliked Maggie in the last book and was hoping she'd redeem herself in this one. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and my dislike intensified. Her racist behavior towards Carmen, her brother's girlfriend, was inexcusable and her lame apology here was insincere.

Then there was her total self absorption and insensitivity towards Shane who had literally devoted his life to her. Maggie wanted respect from her older siblings but continued to behave like a petulant child. Her inability to ever consider Shane's feelings was just maddening and her eventual decision to give their relationship a shot was tepid at best.

I've loved this series and am disappointed that this story is how it ends. I've adored the O'Leary brothers and the women they chose. Maggie just made the end anticlimactic, exhibiting none of the admirable traits that made this family appealing. Even their mother was presented as cold and judging. I'm perplexed as to why this was the direction for the final story. It wasn't the ending I either hoped for or felt the family deserved. My rating is for the quality of the writing, the wonderfully crafted Shane and how the long lasting impact of rape on the victims and family/friends was portrayed.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)