A review by armygirlxrv2
Eighth Grade Bites by Z Brewer


I first Picked up this book when I was at my local library and was almost finished with the Cirque Du Freak series. I wanted to look for another Vampire series to read right after Cirque Du Freak, and I searched thorough the books in the Teen Section. I picked up at least 12 different Vampire books, and of coarse, they were all about Vampire Romances with a girl. I was about ready to look for another genre when I picked up The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Eighth Grade Bites. I recognized the cover cause I've seen the book series in many different libraries, and every time I wanted to read what it was about, but I never did. So I Finally picked it up and read the book summery on the inside cover, and began reading it, mainly cause it looked interesting and It didn't mention a romance like all the other books. I found Eight Grade Bites remotely interesting cause it wasn't a Vampire romance novel, or that was the reason at first. As I continued reading the book I found a lot of other reasons that made it interesting and that made me love the story. One if those things is that I am able to relate with Vlad, and other characters, partially cause I was in 7th Grade when I read the book. Heather Brewer strictly says she wrote this book for teens to relate to, and I did relate to it. Another reason is, Heather wrote the book in 3rd person point of view, so as the reader, that was an advantage in the story. Most of the time when I read a Vampire Novel, it's about the girl meeting and the Vampire, and the story is about the girl. What I really love about this book, is the story is Based on the Vampire Vlad. So we really get to see how Vlad struggles everyday with having to cope with his blood craving and fangs. So we really gets to know how it is for the Vampire and not the girl. Since the main character is an Teen Boy, and a majority of the characters being teens, the books does have some relationships, but that's all I'm saying. Heather Brewer also does an amazing job with the fact that Vlad is a teenager and the Antagonist is not. With that said, Heather Brewer does an excellent job with showing action that's still reasonable I for a teen. In the book Heather also does an awesome job with the plot. Now the one books is supposed to be made up of a year. Now in the last review, the lady said that it should've only taken 3 weeks top for everything to happen, but a 13 year old can't figure out who the Vampire Killer is with out Adults poking around to see what he's doing, add home work with a curfew and that's basically why it takes a year.

Eight Grade Bites is an excellent read, if you don't like the 1st book, I say read the 2nd book cause you'll see that the other books in the series are better and more fun. Hope u love this book and the series as much as I do!