A review by vondav
The Fragment Trilogy: The Willow Tree by Bekki Pate


This is the 1st book from The fragment trilogy. It focuses on three main characters. Nick a young man with a gift of visions. When he was younger his big brother went missing trying to protect him and due to his gift he ended up working for a facility built to help others in the same situation. He loves his job until one night, monsters attacked the building killing anyone who got in their way whilst they tried to find a girl called Jenny. The monsters track Nick down hoping he will lead them to her but Nick is smart and will stop at nothing to find her.
Aria is a girl who's only memory was being in a building trying to escape the monsters. Helping her escape was a Willow tree who's branches cut down her attackers. Battered and bruised she is rescued by Beth and Ash. They recognise straight away that there is something special about her and bring her into their home. All she hopes is that she is safe and wants her memory back.
Fraya was a young girl in 1852 with a gift which she kept hidden from her family and community. She was a happy child wanting nothing more but to read in her favourite spot under the branches of a Willow tree. Although she was bullied it never seemed to bother her until after her brother died then she retaliated against the girls and ended up killing one. Due to her evilness she was stripped of her powers and sentenced to a life time of imprisonment. She wants to escape her jail and knows that to do so she must get her powers back. By creating these monsters she can track Jenny whilst having a bit of fun for herself
This a good start to the trilogy and keeps your interest from the first page. Each character have their own story and issues but link together to make a good read. Whilst reading this I could feel the frustration with Aria and Nick to find answers. Whilst at the beginning of the book I felt sorry for Freya, but the way she grew to be evil and sadistic I was willing Nick and Aria to get their revenge.
The second book The Shadow Beneath is already out so you don't have to wait long to find out what happens next and were does Lucy fit in.