A review by theyalibrarian
Some Kind of Animal by Maria Romasco-Moore


Typical coming-of-age novels include a protagonist who forced to confront their sexuality, question their faith or religion, testing boundaries and rebelling, a journey, etc. Well, this isn't your typical coming-of-age story! It is so much more. Jo's story is raw, bloody, dangerous, scary, even feral. Therefore, all those typical coming-of-age characteristics are explored so much more honestly! Side characters are mostly really odd, in such a strong way, that they really just become metaphors for the unstable and frightening process of losing childhood innocence. These characters are really more about the sometimes painful acceptance humans must realize as they confront the past and scenarios in which they are created and the threats of the uncertain future.

Each night Jo, an orphan raised by an aunt and "owned" by a grandmother, sneaks out to run the wild forest that lines her town. She goes to the woods to meet her "sister". The intriguing suspense of who or what Jo's sister is exactly draws the character into the story fast. This review will not share any more than that, because the story is just too good and should not be ruined with spoilers.

This book should be purchased by libraries, teachers, and any reader. It would be an excellent choice for book clubs and will interesting to all genders.

I was given an early release copy of this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.