A review by desiree_mcl
Strange Brew by


This rating is only for 3 of the stories.

Seeing Eye by Patricia Briggs - 3 1/2 stars. This short story is set in the Mercy Thompson/Alpha & Omega world but there's no mention of the characters (at least up until the point I've read in both series). Although I liked Tom and Moira I wish that there had been more. This was only about 40 pages and I didn't feel like I spent enough time with these characters to really form any kind of valid opinion. I still enjoyed the story but I didn't feel connected to the characters like I would have liked too. However I did find it interesting that Tom had some awful scars on his face and the woman he is attracted to can't see them since she's blind.

Last Call by Jim Butcher 4 stars. I haven't read much of the Dresden Files series, except a little bit of Storm Front and I wasn't very intersted in continuing. However after reading this short story, which I guess is #10.5 in the series it makes me want to give the series another shot. I enjoyed the characters. their interactions together, and the story was fun. Good installment.

Hecate's Golden Eye by P.N. Elrod 2.5-3 stars. This was an ok story. Again this one is also part of a series but it's one I've never read and unfortunately from this story I probably won't be checking it out. Jack is kind of boring, not someone I'd want to spend time with while reading the series, I was more interested in the whole Mable/Agnes/Clive/Taylor parts. That was fun, I loved the ending and what their plans were.