A review by lynguy1
Ancient Guardian by Katie Reus


Reading a book that makes you feel immersed in its world is extraordinary. Ancient Guardian, the ninth book in the Ancients Rising series does that. It features alpha dragon shifter Orion who awoke from a long hibernation into a different world. He finds a band of humans working to survive in Robichaux Parish, Louisiana. For the last year, he has been living among them, keeping his nature secret, and keeping predators away from them. However, an enemy has escalated threats, including against the woman he loves, but has kept in the friendship zone. Violet Robichaux and her three sisters have helped organize their small farming community after The Fall. She’s fallen hard for Orion, but hasn’t acted on it. However, when a visiting group of supernaturals and humans want to strike an alliance, multiple secrets are revealed.

Violet is approachable and well-trusted. She’s a doctor, well-respected, and a leader, but she doesn’t know how to protect herself physically. Orion is a natural leader. He’s protective of others, but feels he’s unworthy. His childhood experiences were a nightmare and still affect him millennia later. Their characterization has depth, as does that of several secondary characters.

Besides great characterization, the world-building is well-done. Life in a community after much of the globe suffered destruction isn’t easy and the challenges the humans face are considerable. The plot is intriguing, full of suspense, twists, intense moments, and some emotional scenes. The story builds suspense in a way that pulls readers into the lives of the characters. There are a few steamy scenes in the second half of the book. My only quibble was with the ending where certain information was revealed about some of the secondary characters. It felt rushed. Their stories could have been told in two more books. Themes include leadership, trust, protection, love, greed, secrets, family, and friendship.

Overall, this was a fun and entertaining novel that has depth to it. I recommend it to those who enjoy paranormal romantic suspense with action scenes, romance, and some intensity to the underlying themes. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series as well as other books by this author.

KR Press, LLC – Author Collective 20 and Katie Reus provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date is currently expected to be June 27, 2023.

My 4.21 rounded to 4 stars review is coming soon.