A review by sovngarde
The Imperial Uncle by Da Feng Gua Guo


this is not a romance. THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE!!

I admit I was going to give this three stars until reading the extras. The first two completely changed my rating

I feel people are going into this with differing expectations than what is actually portrayed in the story and while I’m not out to spoil I will say it’s is not an overt romance but rather more political in nature and character study-esque. While there is a romance it doesn’t pop up in full until close to the end and even when it does it’s subtle and undefined due to the unreliable nature of the narrator.

if you’re looking for straight up romance this isn’t the story for you. I enjoyed this even though I wanted to strangle Jing half the time. The extras - as aforementioned - especially the first two were very good and added a bit of an explanation for the motivations and true intent of one of the characters.

It’s a bit of a slow start. Admittedly it didn’t truly pick up for me until about 50-60% of the way in and also keep in mind that everything gets explained at the end, in a way. So if you find yourself frustrated by some of the choices Jing make then know you’re not alone