A review by galaxies
The Art of Forgetting by Camille Pagán


The Art of Forgetting is a beautiful and moving story about friendship, family, love and forgiving.

Marissa Rogers has achieved her dream, something she dreamed about with her best friend Julia. She’s living in New York, working as a journalist at a magazine. It was not her first choice but to become an editor in chief she goes with it. She has a wonderful boyfriend and along with Julia several good friends. But then tragedy strikes on a day she was supposed to meet Julia. A cab hits Julia, resulting in her having her brain badly injured. Suddenly Marissa and Julia’s friendship is completely turned upside down.

The first thing that drew me to the The Art of Forgetting was its gorgeous cover. I love ballet so when I saw the cover I immediately knew I had to have the book, the summary confirming it all over again.

As we follow Marissa over the course of the book we really get to know her, her life, how her mind works. I really enjoyed reading her POV, even though I had my problems with her. Marissa lacks self-esteem and it shows in almost everything she thinks or does. She has always been easily manipulated by the people in her life but as we follow her she comes into her own and stands up to the people who have been trying to direct her life for her.

Marissa’s friendship with Julia is not a well-balanced one. To me it seemed like Marissa gave more than she received from Julia, something that hasn’t changed over many years of friendship.
But after Julia’s accident things changed and Marissa brings it in a new direction.

I especially loved reading about Marissa’s relationship with Dave and her relationship with her sister Sarah, both which were developed beautifully. I really have to give props to Noe Pagan for that.

My favourite part of the book was the inclusion of Take the Lead. The scenes made me teary-eyed more than once and the final scene was especially heart-warming and uplifting.

The Art of Forgetting is a wonderful debut, one I would recommend to anyone who enjoys reading character and relationship studies.

I’m eagerly looking forward to Camille Noe Pagan’s next novel and I cannot wait to get my own copy of The Art of Forgetting once it comes out.

** An ARC of this book was provided by Netgalley and the publisher for reviewing purposes.