A review by bitchie
Afraid to Fly by L.A. Witt


I don't know what it was here, but something was off. I thought there was a lot of repetition, a lot of characters repeating themselves, or characters dwelling on the same exact things over and over again. A lot of variations on "no wonder they get along so well", and a lot of "how do I tell my ex I'm with a man now." And for Riptide to have touted themselves as a publisher who put editing at the top of the list, both books in this series had several little editing issues- wrong words or misspellings. I expect better for the price.

It was nice though, to read a book where the focus isn't all about the buttsex. Especially coming from LA Witt, there weren't a lot of sex scenes, probably because with Travis' limitations, there's only so many ways you can write a blow job or a hand job. I only kind of missed it, lol!

I was also glad to see that there wasn't a big work issue that caused their relationship to be forbidden. Their only obstacles were themselves, and other than one stupid freakout near the end, they weren't too bad.