A review by mcaliz
Cress by Marissa Meyer


Really 3.5

Content warnings: torture

Rep: fake relationship/marriage trope

Neutral thoughts:
With each new book we get more and more perspectives & while I do enjoy getting them & it definitely helps the book continue to be faced pace, it would just be a little jarring going from each POV. There's just A LOT going on so there's a lot to keep up with with these added perspectives

So I just overall really liked the book (except for one major thing). There was a lot of twists and turns in this like the previous two & I'm excited to see how it's gonna wrap up in the final book!

There was one thing that I REALLY didn’t like in regards to something that happened to Thorne and what happens to him when him and Cress get separated from the crew. So SOPOILER:
Spoiler what was the purpose for him to become blind after the crash??? A concussion, a broken limb or some sort of other injury would have made MUCH MORE SENSE THAN SUDDEN BLINDNESS. EVEN TEMPORARY AMNESIA WOULD HAVE BEEN OKAY WITH ME. But blindness??? It made absolutely no sense & it felt like it was added just for extra “shock” when the there’s already a bunch of other crazy shit going on in the plot. It honestly made me mad when I read this because it was not needed
. So this really made me go “what?????” in NOT a good way & it really hindered my enjoyment of this book. ESPECIALLY since a "cure" was found at the end to help him WHEN THIS THING DIDNT HAVE TO HAPPEN ANYWAY.

The romance(s):
Cress and Thorne:
I was afraid that this was gonna be insta-lovey, which, in the whole picture it's NOT, but Cress still had IMMEDIATE infatuation(semi thinking that she was in love with him) & Thorne was just like “wait a minute sister, hold your cables. We just met” & I appreciated that he would question the fact that what she may be feeling was not in fact REAL love-at least not the way that she saying & kinds expressed. I think that in the next book I will find the relationship to have more substance between them as they ACTUALLY get to know each other. But they are cute overall.

Kai & Cinder:
This was a rollercoaster of emotions