A review by briannadasilva
Rosehead by Ksenia Anske


Where do I begin with my love for this book?

This was my first introduction to Ksenia Anske's writing, and I have to say, I am a fan. It's a quirky, morbid, humorous modern fantasy that feels attune to a Tim Burton film, and it was such a delight to read.

There is something so delectable about the writing itself. It doesn't feel like a cheap novel produced for mass-market audiences; it feels like literature, like something crafted with love and care. And those are the types of books I love most. <3

At first glance, this may seem like a kid's book, due to the fact that the main character is only twelve. However, I think the subtleties of the story are best appreciated by adults. (Plus, it may not be entirely appropriate for kids, which I'll get to later.)

Here's the rundown...


- The characters, Lilith especially. She was so easy to identify with and root for. I ached for her when no one would listen to her or see her, and I admired her bravery.

- Also, I loved the dynamics of: (1) Eloquent 12-year-old girl + (2) Talking dog + (3) "Mute" 14-year-old boy. Their interactions were so much fun!

- The overall tone of weird mystery + adolescent innocence + whimsical fantasy. I GOBBLED THIS BOOK.

- The themes of family and sacrifice. Awww! *pats heart in emphasis*

- The character development. I loved the way Lilith grew and matured over the course of the story. Really, all the major characters grew by the end.

- Also the ending in general. It was so satisfying, wrapped everything up so well, and gave me certain feels. *sighs* *applauds with approving nod*


- Okay, one thing in this book was very, very much not okay with me. There were two chubby characters in this story who were the brunt of a lot of mean jokes... and their treatment was portrayed in a positive light. NOT. OKAY. We need to discourage this kind of shame ("fat jokes") in literature, not encourage it. PLEASE. Can I empathize this a hundred times?? As much as I admire Ankse, I have to say I was a little disappointed in her here.

- Adding onto this point, the character Ed made an especially mean joke towards these girls, and as much as I tried, I just couldn't respect him anymore after that. I loved his character until then though!! I loved the way he communicated with gestures and pictures. It was adorable. But after that... I just couldn't see him the same way any more.

- The nature of this book MIGHT not be okay for some children, despite the young ages of the characters. Some of the content was, well, creepy!! I enjoyed it as an adult, but it might have disturbed me as a ten or eleven year old. (This would totally depend on the child!!) Also, there was a crude word (a substitute for "pee") used quite frequently. Maybe okay for some kids, maybe not for others.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I was reluctant to see it end. I hope to write a bit like Anske someday. ^_^ I love her style and I know I'll be reading more!

4.5 stars

P.S. The narrator for the audio book is perfect!