A review by bookdrgn
The Darkness Within by Rebecca Hefner


I’m getting a little annoyed with this Goddess constantly punishing people for the actions of others. Darkrip was not responsible for the circumstances of his birth, yet he is punished. His sister Evie was conceived the same way but she was not. The Vampyres and Slayers were similarly punished for a war neither of them started. Either she can’t deal with the bad guy herself, or she’s also a bad guy. Maybe both. She’s alluded to history between them, so future books will shed more light hopefully.
However, there was less of the enemy in this book, which I appreciate. I still wish he’d die already, I feel the characters are entertaining enough to carry the series forward.
Arderin is brilliant, confident and a little entitled, secure in her place as King’s sister. She comes across friendly and thoughtful while also being demanding and diva-esq but this juxtaposition of character traits makes her incredibly entertaining to read and empathise with. Look up the word determined, and you’ll likely find her picture.
Or Darkrip, who is as determined to avoid her as she is to not avoid him. But as fate usually does, things don’t go according to either plan.
The events of this take place in the same time as the previous book and manages to not give away spoilers for anyone who hasn’t read it yet, which is impressive.
I liked how Arderin interprets Darkrip’s memories in a different light than he does, and how determined he is to still be a good person, despite the overwhelming evil in his blood and upbringing. He’s quickly become one of my favourite characters in the series.
The addition of Evie was good, it’s time we got to know more about her, and her claims she is far more evil than her brother. Reading her and Kenden will be interesting.