A review by redhead_reader
The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin

Did not finish book. Stopped at 37%.
I wanted to love this book. I think the concept is great, witches who gain their magic from the seasons and experience the most power during their season. But I think two things went against this for me: teenagers having adult relationships (I can’t tell if one of the relationships was poly or not), how it’s alluded that the protagonist has multiple sexual relationships because her feelings change with every change in seasons just seemed a bit much for a 17 year old. 
Also the timeline was weird for me. The book moves very fast on its timeline in that it starts in summer and when I put it down I was around 100 pages in and it’s partway through winter already. But despite this quick timeline, I felt that the book was moving slow and felt kind of repetitious. 
I didn’t hate this book, I don’t really have any bad feelings toward it I mostly just got bored and didn’t want to keep coming back to it. 

I think this is more to do with me not being the right audience for the book than the quality of the book itself. 
I think I’m just disenchanted with YA works in general these days and need to stop adding them to my TBR.