A review by jessmaeshelley
How to be a Poet by Jo Bell, Jane Commane


Loved this! Super informative and expanded my mind to the UK poetry scene. Great advice, techniques, and stories from widely interviewed poets. There were so many wonderful lines and beautiful quotes which really touched my heart. For instance, the chapters on looking, making peace with poetry, confidence and learning from art and artists. As well as practical information such as using politics in poetry, submitting to different magazines and publications, and building a track record. After reading How to be a Poet, I came away with a skip in my step and equipped with insightful advice that I'll be sure to take on my journey/add to my writer's toolbox.

My only feedback is that I noticed there were typos throughout. Clearly, it had been edited, perhaps using Word or some software, as it changed a few words around to fit what the system thought it should say. As opposed to what the writer intended to say. So when reading, it abrupted the flow of sentences. Which was funny and ironic when given advice to 'edit ruthlessly.'

But, in the words of Hannah Montanna, 'everyone makes mistakes, everybody has those days.' Haha.

Either way, I highly recommend reading this book if you're looking to improve your craft or just begin your journey delving into the world of poetry.