A review by monica_m18
Come Matter Here: Your Invitation to Be Here in a Getting There World by Hannah Brencher


I promise it did not take me 6 months to read this book. I would read when I needed a nudge or some reassurance during this crazy year. Prior to reading Come Matter Here my collection of the self help/ spiritual genre was pretty slim. It’s hard for me to get into a book that doesn’t tell a story. Which is why I loved Come Matter Here. Before reading this, I considered writing in books other than textbooks to be blasphemy. But, I couldn’t stop underlining, highlighting, or circling while I read. I wanted to make sure I could go back to Hannah’s words whenever I needed them. Every young person in their 20s should read this book. Those days when we sometimes feel we lack purpose or can’t find our path? Hannah shows us we aren’t alone. She explains how to love and how to be grounded. She shows why learning to matter “here” where you are is better than always searching for something you won’t find.