A review by probablyjenna
Where You End by Abbott Kahler


Where You End is a strange, surreal look into the memories that haunt us. I was instantly taken with Abbott Kahler’s somewhat literary writing style, and loved how expertly she made me feel just as clueless and vulnerable as the main character, Kat. 

Kat wakes from a coma with no memory of her previous life, with one exception: she remembers the name and face of her identical twin, Jude. The first half of the novel is filled with Kat trying to remember who she was before the accident, with Jude filling in the blanks along the way. However, pretty quickly it becomes clear that Jude isn’t being entirely honest. What follows is Kat’s twisty, sometimes confusing, journey to discover what is real and who she used to be.

I could see some readers finding this book a bit jarring. You really have to trust the process and immerse yourself into the story; you have to accept that you are mainly in Kat’s POV, therefore you are on the journey of discovery which is absolutely not straightforward. You do get occasional flashback chapters from Jude’s POV, but those often just make you even more uncertain. Again, I think Kahler is masterful in making her readers truly sit with the characters and live this story out right beside them.

Overall, I was a big fan! It was a fun, dark story that went in directions I didn’t entirely expect.