A review by astravars_thrubooks
Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff


'Victory at any cost?'
'The stakes demand conviction. There is no prize for second in this game.'

Just like book #1, it's a bit slow to start as the author takes his time threading his plot but once everything starts coming together around part III, it just starts raining revelations.
Great writing, humor and snark and it gets just freaking darker and darker + so many plot points/twists had me o.O
I really liked the dynamics between the siblings Yoshi and Hana, the way Kin's arc progressed and getting a lot more about Mishi + Yukiko's growth, even though she was away from the action most of the time (to allow space for the new povs I suppose and introduce new subplots).
I can't wait to see where the next installement goes how this series wraps up.

'You are a little magnificent, you know.