A review by emilybriano
How Women Decide: What’s True, What’s Not, and What Strategies Spark the Best Choices by Therese Huston


This book is geared towards women in a business setting. I had hoped for more examples of making personal decisions, but a lot of the information still rings true. One thing I will use instead of pro-con lists is the idea of the "look back" where you ask yourself to imagine in one year, what is something you wish you had done or that you would be glad you did. For example "Looking back, I'm so glad I ____" or "If I hadn't _____ this year, I would really regret it."

The idea of a one-sentence daily journal is helpful. I love the idea of being a "historian of [one's] decisions" and recording your decisions so you can accurately reconstruct what you were thinking and feeling at the time. "This will help you remember what mattered most at the time, the wisdom you had at that juncture." (295).

"We women need to send messages to ourselves. The world sends a lot of doubt our way and we can counter it with our own understanding and careful thinking. We often have better judgement than we realize, than we remember, and we just need a little reminder from ourselves of how wise--and sometimes brave--we are." (298)