A review by sofialexandra
Wild Love by Elsie Silver


3,75 ⭐️

It feels like after so many years of going it on my own, working so hard to make something of myself, to stay out of trouble, I have somewhere soft to land. Somewhere I can let the worst, bitchiest, most unlikable, sock-and-sandal-wearing version of myself show and still be loved.
It’s a kind of devotion I’ve never known.
It’s a refuge I never let myself dream of.

I genuinely have no idea what it is, but this just missed something. And it's so annoying because, on paper, this book is perfect. The characters are perfect and well-flushed out. But for some reason, I couldn't feel attached to these characters. The only character I did feel really attached to was Cora, I loved her. And I also loved Rosie and Ford and I had fun. But I don't know what it was... I just needed more from them. The pacing was a little odd to me. I enjoyed the beginning a lot and then it just kind of lost me and then I loved the last few chapters. Sonetimes I just read books at the wrong time and maybe it was the case with this one. I might just have to reread it in the future, maybe before the release of Wild Eyes. I do think it was a good way to introduce a new series and I'm so excited for the next books in Rose Hill!