A review by sidekicksam
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess



"A man who cannot choose ceases to be a man."

This biblio is full of unfamiliar slovos, so reading it as a malenky bit difficult to pony at first. But as a young, interessovated devotchka, I managed, and it was real horrorshow. 

Alex and his banda of droogs go about the town in the nochy, looking for chellovecks to terrorize. When the dratsing and ultra-violence reach a climax in the raskazz, Alex is loveted and sent off to the stripey-hole. 

Despite repenting, something sloochats there that made him have to pick: sit out his sentence in the barry place, or get out in 2 weeks after being subject to a new experiment. What he doesn't know is that his jeezny will change forever, and the bitva has just begun... 

Ok, if that didn't scare you off, here's the review in plain English: 
This tiny, tiny book, took me a while to get through. Mostly because I needed to refer back to the glossary (Nadsat still hasn’t become part of the English language unfortunately), but once I got a grip on the meaning of the words, I flew through it. I won't say too much about the plot because it's 1) so tiny and 2) so popular, I don't want to spoil more of it. It's well worth your effort and time. 

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