A review by zephyrsilver
Captain America: Winter Soldier by Ed Brubaker


So now that it's been almost exactly a year, it was time to re-read this so I can actually continue on with the series. Plus, I think it might have helped me out of my current reading slump.

My opinion hasn't changed much since the first time I read it. I still really enjoyed it. I will say I was a bit less confused this time, and I think I appreciated it a little more.

I did spend more time comparing it to the movie, which was sort of fun to do. Not in a negative way, but sort of realizing that the movie added Black Widow and had her basically replace Agent 13. Plus it was sort of interesting how in this book, Cap and Falcon have known each other for a while, but in the movie it's how they met. Plus, you know: Hail Hydra.

So it was a fun reread, and I can't wait to finally continue on with this series.

Yes, the movie prompted me to read this. I loved the movie, so I wanted to read the original version. I've been collecting the paperbacks for this series.

My knowledge on Captain America comes from the movies, honestly. Luckily, they are incredibly helpful. I was not that lost with this. The only thing that threw me off slightly was that apparently Red Skull had been using a clone of Steve Rogers as a body? That must have been an interesting storyline. Oh well.

Overall, really liked this. The story of the Winter Soldier and how he came to be is really gripping. It was well thought out, and really emotional. I got very invested in Bucky as a character. He's a wonderful anti-hero of sorts.

I also really loved how emotional this was for Steve. He's not just this big buff guy who throws his shield at everyone. There was a lot of psychological depth for him.

The artwork was just so-so. I wasn't crazy about it, but I didn't hate it. So it really wasn't that big of a deal.

I liked that the movie really was very different from this, so I wasn't seeing the same story twice (not that I really have a problem with that).

Overall, it was good. Don't know what else to say, other than I need to grab the rest of this series.