A review by moadore
How to Be a Grown-Up by Daisy Buchanan


A bit of a mixed bag, and I've been staring at the review box for ages working out to exactly word this...

On one hand it was funny and honest, making it a refreshing change from the crowd of self-help / self-development gurus who reek of perfection and appear to (from the outside at least) to have unattainable and unrealistic amounts of joy in their life.

But on the other hand, I didn't find any of the advice ground-breaking and I had already figured out most of it on my own. Don't get me wrong, Daisy speaking about her mistakes and set-backs was a warm and fuzzy reminder that we all have them but when I read a self-development book aimed at "surviving your twenties" I don't expect to be spoon-fed life guidance that my 19-year-old self could have dished out.

As a note, I started consuming self-development books when I was a teenager so maybe that's why I got there a bit quicker? I dunno. As I said, mixed feelings but still a good read for girls in their early 20s - just don't expect any epiphanies.