A review by calistareads
Batman, Volume 9: Bloom by Scott Snyder


Well, here we go. In this volume, Bruce Wayne finally confronts who he is and he is able to become Batman again. He takes up the mantel. I thought this whole thing was so interesting. Batman died, but he sort of didn't and now he's back.

Jim Gordan did his best as Batman, but there just isn't a substitute and Jim ultimately wasn't able to pull this off, nor was the rest of the police unit driving those Bat suits around.

The villain was Bloom, some sort of plant based life form that may have been human at some point. I sort of enjoyed the beginning part of the story and then Bloom just got too weird. He was destroying the city. I mean after the last 2 times it was destroyed, I'm surprised there is much left to destroy anymore. Bloom quickly, too quickly, kept getting more powerful and turned out to be a monotonous villain and got on my nerves. I felt the ending was anti-climatic. The ending could have been Bruce taking up Batman again, but the story went on after that.

It is a little heartbreaking to see Bruce finally start to have a bit of a life and then he gives it all up. Batman is a tough gig. It's an all consuming job really. The court of owls was back in this one and I thought that was strange.

There were some things I really loved and some, not so much. I feel like it was a good story and I do think this is the end of Scott's run with Batman. I guess it will move on with Rebirth.

I thought Scott told a unique and interesting story, but the ending feels like it got lost and was a bit of a let down after how well it all started out.