A review by taylor_55
Maximum Ride: The Manga, Vol. 3 by James Patterson


I just can't even! I love this series! I love these characters! Like I'm just gonna fangirl for a few seconds. Don't mind me you guys.

Characters: Max: I love this girl. She's like sweet and caring and brave. But she's also moody and insecure and like a real fourteen year old girl. Also the way she looks out for the flock is just precious. Annnd I want her and Fang to get together already, cause they're too cute

Fang: Coolest mutant ever. He doesn't talk much (so of course you want him to talk more) and he's kinda broody but that just adds to his overall mysterious essence. But he needs to cool it with that girl

Iggy: I think it's pretty clear by now that I adore everyone in this comic…but IGGY! I mean again, like Iggy doesn't talk a lot but you can't help but love this dude. He's a blind mutant with wings and is highly skilled at cooking and making bombs. My heart broke at that scene where the group couldn't find his parents and he broke down…but his interaction with Max was so hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing! XD

Basic plot: So in this issue, the group is discovered by an FBI agent, who takes the flock home and enrolls them in school. Max is understandbly a little jealous because she's been the "mom" of the group and doesn't like this woman taking over. Plus the erasers are still on the flock's tail, looking to destroy Max

Overall story/Impact: Another hit. I loved the more tame approach this issue took. Like it was still exciting but it was nice seeing the gang try and adjust to normal life. I do want then to break out on their again and find their parents though. I have like no complaints. This comic rocks.

Would I read it again: Yes

Would I recommend it: Definitely

Was it memorable: Yes