A review by whitreadslit
The Silver Witch by Paula Brackston


I won this book in a First Reads contest and I was quite excited to get started. It was a bit slow going at the beginning, but the further into the book I got, the more invested I became in the characters. I enjoyed the way the story slowly revealed more and more about how Tilda and Seren were connected. The slight mystery added by the vengeful ghost was another great bit that kept the story flowing. The ending actually managed to slightly surprise me, which is generally difficult to do.

I really enjoyed learning more about 8th century Wales, which was a subject that I really knew almost nothing about before reading this novel. That is a large reason why I love historical fiction; it gives you a fun way to learn about new eras of history. I felt that it was very well researched, which I always appreciate.

One thing that truly bothered me was the amount of typos. It seemed like the copy editor took the day off before they decided to print this book. It might not bother everyone, but that is one of my pet peeves.

All in all, I really did enjoy the book in the end, but it took a little bit too long for the story to get up and running.