A review by vinoverse
When I Break by Kendall Ryan


A few things made this a 2.5 star book for me. One is that it's a cliffhanger... One I wasn't expecting. Admittedly I hate them, and had I realized, may not have started reading. I was left wanting some more of the characters intentions and motivations. There was a lot of showing us what they were doing and how they were changing but I felt it needed more support through telling us the characters feelings or reasons behind some of their decisions. I'm not a huge fan of promiscuous heroes but knew what I was getting into here. Still, Knox continuing to have sex with other women throughout this book turned me off in major way.

I enjoyed the characters, and their chemistry. But, I felt like the heroine did not have hang ups where it would make sense... She's a virgin, with a sexual experience that left her feeling unwanted and yet she has no major hang ups about sexual encounters with the hero. I felt a little angst would have bumped up the emotions in the book and added some interest, but I am also a total sucker for sexually repressed or uptight characters. Also, she's only 22 with a degree and apparently enough experience to lead a sexual addicts group? I'm not sure we are in the same reality here. There is definitely not as much sex in this as the synopsis may have you believe. Overall, I liked this one, but probably not enough to pay another $4 a book for the others in the series.

Genre: new adult
Hero: 6/10
Heroine: 5/10
Steam level: 5/10
Writing: 7/10
Cliffhanger: yes
Overall rating: 2.5 stars