A review by michellehenriereads
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves


I was surprised when I started reading to see that the novel was written in first person. I wondered how I would like it without having the omniscient voice. After the first few pages I forgot that I was reading a first person POV and was completely engrossed.

I loved the setting, corresponding to pre-WWI in our universe. The tension building through the countries of Hungry and England felt accurate. The Romani (gypsy) people have been maligned for years and it became more pronounced during the wars.

One of the most important elements in a novel are the characters. The protagonist is Anna Arden, who is faced with a dilemma that she doesn't appear to have magic like the others in Luminate society. She is an outcast in society, doesn't fit in with the other classes and is searching for meaning in her life. Anna starts on a daring plan to ...

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