A review by beachybookstack
Everneath by Brodi Ashton


Ohh boy, a modernized mythology in a blender. Count me interested. A pretty cover? Check. It's on sale in the Kindle store? Excellent.

So I've finished it and it was thoroughly ok. A standard 3 stars for a promising premise and possibly a decent love story that goes off the rails for me because....
Nikki needs to stop moping around, she came back for Jack? Ok so talk to him damnit. Limited time left? Stop wasting your time.
Jack---I see reviews that say how perfect Jack is. Sure he's ideal but in the end (literally) he fulfills the tragic twist that was bound to happen. Because Orpheus.
Their relationship---can YA stop acting like staring is the most that can happen? Ohh my god they kissed? I'm sorry, if you're about to get sucked into hell tomorrow you'll probably let your boyfriend sleep over IN your bed. Maybe you'll even NOT sleep. There aren't rules or repercussions at that point.

Spoilers: they're doomed and treat Cole like it's his fault. It's not his fault Nikki chose to go with him. It's definitely her daily that she came back, and Cole offers her a way to not die an awful soul destroying death. Yet he's the bad guy?

This had a similar triangle as the Soul Screamers series, but it missed the mark by sticking to the myth. Orpheus was doomed, Persephone goes between Hades and the surface. I wanted more about the Everneath and its workings than Nikki's high school lunch hour. Maybe that's more built up in the next few books but I'm not feeling that hunger for more of these characters.

Recommended: Soul Screamers series (Kayleigh, banshees, love triangles, demons, complications of death)