A review by seakay05
Only Big Bumbum Matters Tomorrow by Damilare Kuku


After enjoying Nearly All the Men in Lagos are Mad by Kuku, I was really excited to get into Only Big Bumbum Matters Tomorrow, and rightly so, I think. While it is a fairly humorous and casual novel, at its heart, it's about the generational stories of women and the struggles each generation has had to face. Kuku offers an insightful look into the unique pressures faced by younger generations brought on by social media as well as those faced by the older generation brought on by social norms. (Of course, these overlap quite a bit still). All the same, they are all brought together by the expectation to be with men and, specifically, bad men. While there may not be the resolution we'd hope for from each of the women involved, Kuku still asks us to think about the implications of what does end up happening.

As I was with her last work, I'm a big fan of her use of the second person for only Témì's point of view, really focusing on her as the central character despite the many detours we take to examine the lives of other characters. I think, again, Kuku is a little more liberal with sex scenes than I was comfortable with, especially because I don't think all of them were necessary, but that's probably my only complaint. There are a lot of characters to follow, but as a reader, I found I was able to get used to it quickly and enjoyed being able to see the same event from a different perspective. This was a solid 4 to 4.5 stars for me!

Thanks so much to NetGalley, the publishers, and the author for the opportunity to read this as an eARC!