A review by wendythegeekgoddess
Dragonswood by Janet Lee Carey


The year is 1192 A.D.
Tess is not a normal 17 year old girl, she's lived a tough life. she is the daughter of a blacksmith who brutally beats his wife and her, All her infant brothers and sisters never lived to be more than 3 weeks, she see's the future in fire, and on top of that she gets accused of being a witch and gets tortured. Upon a torture she mentions her friends names: Meg and Poppy and soon all 3 are on the run. Starving in the middle of the woods the 3 girls take refuge in a cave where a huntsman comes upon them and offers them shelter. Tess has never been the kind of girl that wants a man in her life but the huntsman is starting to make her change her mind about that....

THIS BOOK HAS OFFICIALLY BECOME ONE OF MY FAVORITES! This young adult book fantasy novel is filled with mythical creatures such as dragons and faeries. Of course if fantasy is not your cup of tea I don't recommend this book but if you happen to enjoy an adventurous tale of a brave young heroine who is drawn to a mystical land where the dragons roam free, I say GO FOR IT! The romance in this novel was also brilliant! The love story between the two characters was quite interesting but it didn't overpower everything else that went on in the novel and instead of taking away from the action or adventure it added more fuel to it which made the book much more enjoyable. I must also admit that among the many stand alone novels I've read, Dragonswood is by far the one with the most beautiful ending. (Don't worry, I won't reveal anything). Dragonswood is a tale that can be read time and time again without it becoming a bore. Janet Lee Carey's novel was absolute PERFECTION and there was never a moment where the book went dull (and if you've read any other of my reviews you must know I get bored easily). I give Dragonswood 100 OUT OF 5 STARS!!!

Although Dragonswood was intentionally written as young adult fiction I believe this is a wonderful novel to read as children (if you don't mind the bit of witch hunt torture =/), I MOST DEFINITELY recommend this book to all those that enjoy reading fantasy novels, it is a MUST READ!!!!

1. [bc:Dragon's Keep|626096|Dragon's Keep|Janet Lee Carey|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1328876064s/626096.jpg|612447] [b:Dragon's Keep|626096|Dragon's Keep|Janet Lee Carey|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1328876064s/626096.jpg|612447] By: Janet Lee Carey
Why dragon's keep?
Although unfortunately Dragonswood does not have a sequel it does have a companion novel which follows a similar story, this companion novel is Dragon's keep.

2. [bc:Eon: Dragoneye Reborn|2986865|Eon Dragoneye Reborn (Eon, #1)|Alison Goodman|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1299076175s/2986865.jpg|3017319] [b:Eon: Dragoneye Reborn|2986865|Eon Dragoneye Reborn (Eon, #1)|Alison Goodman|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1299076175s/2986865.jpg|3017319] By: Alison Goodman
Why EON?
Dragonswood concentrates a lot on the wise old dragons that live among the people in Dragonswood and Dragons Keep. In EON we also follow Dragons and a brave heroine like Tess.

3. [bc:The Treachery of Beautiful Things|11737311|The Treachery of Beautiful Things|Ruth Frances Long|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1334778746s/11737311.jpg|16686497] [b:The Treachery of Beautiful Things|11737311|The Treachery of Beautiful Things|Ruth Frances Long|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1334778746s/11737311.jpg|16686497] By: Ruth Frances Long
Why the treachery of beautiful things?
Like Dragonswood, the treachery of beautiful things is both a combination of romance and fairy tale where we follow a woman (much like Tess) who is lured into the trees where she meets faerie's much like in Dragonswood.