A review by sixelad03
Out of Anywhere by Andrea Nourse


It's the story of a young woman, Shay Lane, who lives the life she's always known, driving her car, Trusty Rusty, across the United States. However, the car eventually dies on the side of a road near the town of Wishing, Missouri. Shay, with less than $200 in her pocket, has no choice but to settle in this town while she earns enough money to decide what to do next. When gifts that meet her wishes start to appear, Shay can't believe that they are only due to the name of the town. She decides to investigate to find out who her mysterious benefactor is. Could it be her mother, whom she hasn't heard from in six years but regularly leaves voice mails to? What if the town of Wishing has more to hide than the identity of an anonymous benefactor?

This book, which I was lucky enough to read thanks to NetGalley, was a very pleasant surprise for me. The description had already made me want to discover it, but I didn't expect to be so invested in reading it. I couldn't put my reader down until the book was finished.
Through Andrea Nourse's writing, you quickly become attached to most of the characters in this book, you can easily relate to them, they could be any person living in a small town: your neighbours, your friends… Unlike some of the characters in other books, they feel ‘real’ and I really appreciated that.

As for me, I got very attached to Shay. Her emotions are very well translated in the book and you experience them along with her, whether they are negative or positive. You just want to be with her at every new step she goes through.

For me, he only negative point of this book is its end which seemed a little too rushed and which left me doubtful on certain points. However, this is just a matter of personal taste and doesn't put in doubt the author's talent.

I give this book a 4.5/5.

I highly recommend reading it.

Thanks to NetGalley and to Andrea Nourse for allowing me to discover this little gem.