A review by heidikundin
The Stranger Upstairs by Lisa M. Matlin


The Stranger Upstairs by Lisa Matlin is an engaging thriller that blends elements of horror, mystery, and other dark themes to create an atmospheric reading experience. The novel follows Sarah Slade, a social media influencer who has recently purchased the notorious Black Wood House—aka "The Murder House," home to a famous murder-suicide scene—to renovate for her lifestyle blog and to escape her failing marriage. As Sarah uncovers the house's dark secrets and becomes increasingly paranoid, the reader is left guessing who or what is out to get her.

The premise of The Stranger Upstairs is intriguing, and Matlin's atmospheric writing effectively captures the sinister and haunting ambiance of Black Wood House. The novel kept me hooked and invested in the story until the very end, as the lines between reality and Sarah's delusions become increasingly blurred.

However, the novel falls a bit short in terms of its storylines, which often feel a bit flimsy and underdeveloped. The eventual "why-dunnit" reveal was somewhat disappointing, as it doesn't fully live up to the suspense and anticipation built up throughout the story. While the storylines could have been more robust and the reveal more satisfying, the novel still succeeds in keeping the reader hooked and invested in Sarah's journey.

The Stranger Upstairs was definitely a promising debut novel, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Matlin writes next.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC for my review.