A review by em_brebs
The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon


[b:The Ex Talk|53415121|The Ex Talk|Rachel Lynn Solomon|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1589505942l/53415121._SY75_.jpg|74638665] is sweet, engaging, and fun. I didn’t love the end — it felt a bit too on-the-nose for me — and I also struggled at times to feel the chemistry between the two main characters. Still, I blew through it in an afternoon and felt happy and satisfied with my experience.

Solomon sets this novel very intelligently in the specific realm of public radio, which she thankfully knows a lot about and clearly loves as a medium. I think at times she could have leaned in even more to what the jobs feel like and why Shay loves radio besides the connection with her dad. She does touch on this and raise the questions I’m asking, but I feel like they aren’t really answered in any kind of satisfying way.

Like in many romance novels attempting something new, you as the reader sort of have to suspend disbelief to get on board with the premise. I actually think the initial set-up (besides the part where they keep up the lie in front of their co-workers and mom and stuff) is plenty believable. I wholeheartedly believe that people on podcasts and radio shows make stuff up to get the best possible hook for others to listen in. However, I do NOT, absolutely do NOT believe that they will force their two co-hosts to go on a weekend trip to ~connect~ with each other. Indeed, the novel’s main villain, Kent, the man who runs the station, just feels like a plot device: they need a reason to get together, they need a reason to spend more time together, they need a reason to have conflict
Spoiler can anyone explain to me why he outed them??? Like does that make sense to anyone? He was going to fire them anyway— what did it matter to him if they took their show elsewhere? And also why do it right before such a public moment if not just to be cruel?
, they need a reason to have a powerful ending etc. He never felt like a real full person and his choices were inconsistent and hard to parse. The whole actual PLOT was just not for me.

So, that’s the gist, folks. The plot was frustrating and I never actually got on board with the chemistry between the two leads. Still, it was fun and relaxing, and that cannot be underestimated: 78%